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Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis is that lower knee pain you feel when you're running. It is a very common injury caused by inflammation of the tendon that connects your kneecap to your shinbone (tibia). It is possible that anyone can get this injury, however, it is very common among athletes, often called jumper's knee or runner's knee. Athletes tend to be more at risk for this injury because "running, jumping, and squatting put more force on the patellar tendon."


The patellar tendon, where this pain is coming from, is "a short but very wide tendon" that runs from your kneecap to your tibia. The reason we have a kneecap is "to generate a bigger mechanical advantage at the knee," allowing your quadriceps to create that strong force at the knee, "which are important in any sport with running or jumping elements." When you run or jump, the patellar tendon is absorbing a lot of the shock created when your feet strike the ground. 

Patellar Tendonitis usually begins with a stiff feeling in the patellar tendon itself. You usually feel this stiffness the most when you're running down a hill or going down the stairs. Once you get warmed up and stretch, the pain may go away, but as the injury worsens, that pain may remain for the "duration of the workout." Since that tendon is absorbing so much shock, "the long strands of connective tissue that make up the tendon can become injured." The problem isn't so much with the tendon being inflamed, but more with the "damaged and degraded tendon structure that results from chronic stress on the patellar tendon." Things that could be related to may have couased patellar tendonitis are:

  • having poor hamstring and quadricep flexibility

  • poor explosive leg strength

  • weak thigh muscles, especially inner thigh muscles for runners

  • uneven leg muscle strength

  • misalignment with your legs, hips, or ankles

  • your shoes not being supportive enough for your feet

  • hard surfaces you're repetitively pounding on while running


There are other treatments as well, that you can find here.


Davis, J. (2017, December 22). Patellar Tendonitis in Runners: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options. Retrieved January 12, 2018, from

Patellar Tendonitis: Symptoms, Treatment, and More. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2018, from

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